Finnish Players' Picks 2005

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Finnish Players' Picks for 2005 have been chosen. The winner is Carcassonne. Puerto Rico, the previous winner, places second. Ticket to Ride grabs the third place.

As usual, I've created a geeklist of the best games. The full list is on the award homepage.

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Jack said:

How good is Ticket To Ride? I love Carcassonne and Puerto Rico seemed very good the one time I've played it. Must play Puerto Rico again soon, and I might just have to by Ticket To Ride.

Mikko Saari said:

Fairly good. Not a must-buy for gamers, I think, but a very good family game.

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This page contains a single entry by Mikko published on October 5, 2005 7:09 AM.

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- Finnish Players' Picks 2003
- Finnish Players' Picks 2004
- Finnish Players' Picks 2007
- Voting procedures
- Finnish Players' Picks 2006
- Finnish Game of the Year winners 2005
- Finnish Game of the Year 2004: Carcassonne

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