Hot games for Q4/2006

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Here's a list of hottest games for the fourth quarter of 2006 for me. This is based on number of plays, my enjoyment of the game and the novelty value, so new games tend to show up higher on the list.

You can also check the previous quarter, with completely different games.

Celtica - Surprise, perhaps? It really was this good, both two-player and four-player. It's a really good light game.

18VA - This shouldn't be a surprise. Just one play, but it's long, heavy and extremely pleasing. One of the games I most want to play in 2007, but also one of the hardest to get on the table.

Age of Steam: 1830's Pennsylvania and London - Two AoS expansions tied here. Both were great, offering new challenges to one of my favourite games. I could play a lot more Age of Steam, you know.

Blue Moon - Great fun, the new Buka expansion spiced up things nicely.

Tower of Babel and Blue Moon City - Two Knizia building games, both clever, quick and fun. I'm hoping these see more action next year (and I think I should just go and buy Blue Moon City).

Gipf - Bought this on a whim, turned out to be a good game, much better than I originally thought. Needs perhaps a bit more effort than I can give to it, but hey, who cares...

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This page contains a single entry by Mikko published on December 30, 2006 6:34 AM.

Knizia games: Blue Moon City, Tower of Babel, Through the Desert was the previous entry in this blog.

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You can also see similarly tagged entries:
- Gaming year 2006
- Helcon 2006
- Gipf collection complete
- Games with Gargoyle: Yinsh, Dungeon Twister, Blue Moon
- Age of Steam in Pennsylvania
- Games with Olli: Gipf, Zèrtz, Crystal Code, Celtica
- Knizia games: Blue Moon City, Tower of Babel, Through the Desert

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