San Juan and St. Petersburg

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With my job and all, last three months have been very quiet games-wise. So, the first thing I did on my first day off from work was to head to Brettspielwelt and play some games!

It was quiet this time of day, but I managed to play few two-player games of
San Juan and St. Petersburg. How refreshing. I did well, too, winning three out of five games. I still have it. The only San Juan game I lost was mostly because I had to wade through a big bunch of cards without any large buildings.

I'm looking forward to next weekend and board game club and of course, Helcon... I want to play more games!

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This page contains a single entry by Mikko published on October 20, 2004 10:23 AM.

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- Guess what? St. Pete at BSW!
- St. Petersburg at BSW ... again

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